VOIS Server



The VOIS server is JAVA based. It runs modules called bundles and prevents side effects between them as much as possible. Aside the very focused and specialized value propositions of the content modules it offers them a set of basic functions and services:

  • User Management
  • Configuration
  • Principle Management
  • License Management
  • Certificate Management
  • Update Processing
  • Data Sources (Repositories)
  • Time controlled Server Task (similar to CronJobs)
  • Printing Service
  • Integration Management (DMS , GIS, ERP, Mail Server etc.)
  • Search
  • Maps
  • Reference Data (e.g. Addresses)
  • Logging


System Requirements

Operational System:

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 and later
  • Unix
  • Linux

Storage (ROM):

  • the installation itself is < 1Gb
  • data storage depends on the usage (recommend smallest start is 10Gb)
  • its possible to mix HDD (e.g. database) and SSD (e.g. indexes)
  • default database is included (additional licenses for MSSQL or Oracle are needed when this products should be used)

Main Memory (RAM): starts with 16Gb – more helps always

Java: is included